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STATE HOUSE - KENYA - 19/04/2005

I refer to your letter dated 16th March, 2005 forwarding your brochure "The Finest Hotels in the World" to His Excellency the President.
We acknowledge receipt of the brochure and also wish to inform you that His Excellency the President of Kenya has appreciated it.

Private Secretary/Comptroller

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Palacio de la Zarzuela - 18/04/2005

Estimado amigo:

Me complace acusar recibo a la carta que el pasado 16 de marzo dirigio a Su Alteza Real el Principe de Asturias, con la que tiene la amabilidad de enviarle un ejemplar del libra «The Finest Hotels of The World».
Su Alteza Real me ha encargado que le agradezca esta publicacion y su amable ofrecimiento, que mucho valora y aprecia, y le transmita Su saludo afectuoso.

Reciba un cordial saludo,

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Sultan Bin Mohamed Al Qasimi Ruler of Sharjah - 18/04/2005

Mr Jimmy Sofios C.P.P.M.
General Manager
The Finest Hotels of the World

We received with thanks and appreciation your letter dated 16th March 2005, along with the brochure of "The Finest Hotels of the World".

Kindly accept Our good wishes and best regards.

Sultan Bin MohamedAl Qasimi
Ruler ofSharjah.

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Η.Κ.Η. Prins Joachims Hof - 15/04/2005

His Royal Highness Prince Joachim has asked me to convey his thanks for your kind letter and the exclusive brochure "The Finest Hotels of the World".

Yours sincerely,
Kurt Βache
Private Secretary

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The Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary - 15/04/2005

Dear Mr. Sofios,

On behalf of Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsany, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary, I would like to thank you for your kind gesture.
The volume entitled "The Best of Greece" of ,,The finest hotels of the world" is a rarity for bibliophyles.
I wish to congratulate the people and institutions who participated from the original idea to its implementation.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Bernadett Csaky
Head of Secretariat

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Dear Mr. Sofios:

Thank you for your letter of March 16, 2005 with the enclosed material.
The time you have taken to write is greatly appreciated, and let me simply thank you for sending me your exclusive brochure entitled "The Finest Hotels of the World." Your gesture was most kind and considerate.
Let me also take this opportunity to wish you and your staff all the best for the
Please accept my warmest regards.

Paul Martin

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Αγαπητέ κύριε Σοφίε,

Σας ευχαριστώ για την ευγενική σας σκέψη, να μου στείλετε τη νέα έκδοση του «The Finest Hotels of the World», για έντυπο υψηλής αισθητικής, που αναδεικνύει τις σύγχρονες ξενοδοχειακές υποδομές της χώρας μας.

Με τους φιλικούς μου χαιρετισμούς,
Δημήτρης Λ. Αβραμόπουλος

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Κύριε Σόφιε,

Ευχαριστούμε για την παρουσίαση της νέας συλλεκτικής έκδοσης του πολυτελούς εντύπου "The Finest Hotels of the World".
Θα θέλαμε να σας συγχαρούμε για αυτήν την προσπάθεια σας να παρουσιάσετε την Ελληνική ομορφιά σε μια τόσο προσεγμένη έκδοση και να συμβάλλετε ενεργά στην προώθηση του Ελληνικού τουριστικού προϊόντος.

Με τιμή,
Χάρης Κοκκώσης

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Royal Parc Evian - 12/04/2005

Dear Mrs. Annemie Bovens,

Firstly, I wish to thank you for sending to us your beautiful book "Fine
Hotels of the World". It is with no doubt a wonderful publication with
extrodinary photos. Looking through it, I was tempted by all the properties
and I'm sure your clients must feel the same. Bravo!

We are also featured in one of your brochures, but we have not received a
copy. Could you please forward this to me. I am sure that I will be as
impressed with the brochure we are featured in considering your wonderful
quality of brochures

I look forward to receiving it soon.

Kindest regards,
Royal Parc Evian
Caroline BURGER
International Sales Manager

Palacio de la Zarzuela - 12/04/2005

Muy senor mio:

Me complace acusar recibo a la carta que el pasado 16 de marzo dirigio a S.M. el Rey, con la que tiene la amabilidad de enviarle un ejemplar del catalogo "The Finest Hotels of the World" en Grecia, al tiempo que ofrece los servicios de esa organizacion con ocasion de algun desplazamiento de Su Majestad a ese pais.
Su Majestad agradece esta publicacion y me encarga que, en Su nombre le envie un cordial saludo, lo que cumplo con el mayor agrado.

Jefe de la Secretaria de Despacho

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